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Amazon Boost Lego

LEGO's Boost: A Fantastic Tool for Education and Play

LEGO Boost: The Perfect Educational Toy?

LEGO Boost is a fantastic educational toy that combines the fun of LEGO with the power of coding. With Boost, kids can build and program their own robots, vehicles, and other creations. This hands-on experience teaches kids about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) in a fun and engaging way.

Building with Boost

The LEGO Boost set comes with a variety of bricks, motors, sensors, and a Bluetooth hub. Kids can use these components to build a wide variety of creations, from simple robots to complex machines. The set also includes a free app that provides step-by-step building instructions and coding challenges.

Coding with Boost

Once kids have built their creations, they can use the Boost app to program them. The app features a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy for kids to learn the basics of coding. Kids can program their creations to move, light up, and respond to sensors.

Educational Value

LEGO Boost is a valuable educational tool that can help kids learn about STEM in a fun and engaging way. The set teaches kids about basic engineering principles, coding, and problem-solving. It also encourages creativity and imagination.


LEGO Boost is an excellent choice for parents who are looking for an educational toy that is also fun. With Boost, kids can learn about STEM while building and programming their own creations. The set is a great way to encourage creativity, imagination, and problem-solving skills.
